The Dow Jones Industrial Average advanced to new highs on Tuesday, as the bull market broadened out beyond technology names on hopes of forthcoming interest rate cuts. The Dow surged by 742.76 points, or 1.85%, to close…
General Motors’ goal of being capable of producing 1 million all-electric vehicles in North America by the end of 2025 in heavily in doubt, following comments Monday by CEO Mary Barra. The production capacity target…
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said Monday that the central bank will not wait until inflation hits 2% to cut interest rates. Speaking at the Economic Club of Washington D.C., Powell referenced the idea that central bank policy…
Shares in gun manufacturers jumped Monday in the wake of the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Smith & Wesson Brands closed up 11%, while Sturm, Ruger & Co. rose 5%. Both firms make…
Amazon Prime Day, the 48-hour discount blitz that kicks off Tuesday, is a “major” cause of worker injuries, according to the preliminary results of a Senate probe. The Senate’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee on Tuesday…
Traders are now 100% certain the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates by September. There are now 93.3% odds that the Fed’s target range for the federal funds rate, its key rate, will be lowered…
Zyn users, rejoice: Production is about to ramp up in the U.S. Philip Morris International (PMI), Zyn’s parent company, announced Tuesday it would invest $600 million to build a new production facility in Aurora, Colorado,…
The Dow Jones Industrial Average advanced on Monday as investors bet the unsuccessful assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump will lead to big gains for the Republican presidential candidate and the GOP at the polls in November. Friendlier…
65-year-old quit his job and emptied his life savings to start a business — now he’s worth $11 billion
This story is part of CNBC Make It’s The Moment series, where highly successful people reveal the critical moment that changed the trajectory of their lives and careers, discussing what drove them to make the leap into…
DVD rental service Redbox is set to shut down after 22 years in business, as streaming continues to dominate the at-home entertainment market. Redbox’s parent company, Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, changed its Chapter…